Practicing gratitude in Leadership

Why is gratitude important in leadership? For many leaders, the daily practice of gratitude isn’t something that is often given top priority, however, the positive impacts gratitude can have on you and your team may cause you to think again. Historically, our brains are hard-wired for the negative—to see what’s wrong, to solve problems, to […]

Radical Candor: 5 Tips for Giving Feedback for Leaders

Man looking at a sign that says Feedback

Providing effective feedback is often challenging for many leaders, especially when an individual is faced with having an open and honest conversation regarding something that may feel negative at the time. Typically this is driven by the desire not to hurt a team member’s feelings or damage the relationship. While these are natural fears, in […]

Becoming An Inclusive Leader

Diversity and inclusion illustration

As more of the leaders we work with are having conversations centered around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belongingness, it led us to sit down with our trusted partner, Cynthia Moore-Hollinshed, to discuss these topics more deeply. Understanding an Important Difference Oftentimes, leaders believe by adding a diverse group of people to a team, they are […]

Decision Making for Leaders: Strategies to Get Unstuck

Person making notes in a notebook

So, you want to make better decisions as a leader, but you’re feeling stuck? We’ve all experienced that feeling of uncertainty, when you’re unsure what your next best decision should be. We believe that cultivating calm in your mind and body, will serve you well and put you on the path to conquering difficult decisions […]

Priority Management & the Holidays

Scott with his children

This year, more than ever, it’s essential to take time to plan out the holiday traditions and festivities you want to enjoy this year, prioritize who you want to spend the holidays with, and communicate your plan to those you trust. The holidays are often a stressful time for many people, during an ordinary year—this […]

Practicing Active Listening

Child listening to a shell

As a leader, practicing active listening is inevitably a part of your daily responsibility. As you manage a team, this role could quite possibly be named one of the most important. Gaining Perspective While it’s an important skill-set to develop, it can often feel overwhelming and out of reach for a lot of individuals. In […]

Building Trust through Vulnerability

Group giving a high five in office setting

How vulnerability reveals blind spots and how courage is a muscle we can flex to build trust. Taking the temperature of your team: Are you noticing division and reserved communication between your team members? When expectations are misaligned, it becomes remarkably challenging for team members to stay engaged, perform tasks well, and solve problems across […]

Self Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

Illustration of person standing with a shadow that has a hero cape

Thanks to COVID-19, we are in a time of major transition. It’s common during transitions to lose people, places, and things that were once standard in our lives. With shortages of basic necessities, we may become less concerned with material things, so that we can focus more on what matters most: our communities and the […]

Adversity is Good for Self Leadership

Man standing with illustration of raised hands behind him

In workshops, naming the skills built on The Self Leadership Journey serves as an exercise for self-reflection and group learning. Participants chronicle the expertise they learned and the skills they developed during times of VUCA at any given point of their life, personally or professionally. When people share this journey with peers across teams they […]

Let’s Talk About Courageous Conversations

3 people meeting in an office

When it comes to hard conversations, the books Crucial Conversations and Crucial Accountability prove to be invaluable resources. Many companies implemented them in their professional development curriculum for employees to build their communication muscles to empower them to solve problems with peers before escalating. Essentially, employees are able to get the work done because of […]